Immerse Yourself in the World of Beauty...
Our trained beauty team is delighted to pamper you with high-quality skincare products. Let us provide you with personalized advice and care.
Our trained beauty team is delighted to pamper you with high-quality skincare products. Let us provide you with personalized advice and care.
(Alkaline peelings) gently exfoliating with rice wax, harmonizing, balancing, and relaxing for the skin.
(Approximately 30 minutes)
01/02/2023 - 20/12/2026, €39.00/per person
(Alkaline peelings) gently exfoliating with rice wax, harmonizing, balancing, and relaxing for the skin.
(Approximately 30 minutes)
01/02/2023 - 20/12/2026, €39.00/per person
(Alkaline peelings) gently exfoliating with rice wax, harmonizing, balancing, and relaxing for the skin.
(Approximately 30 minutes)
01/02/2023 - 20/12/2026, €40.00/per person
(Tailored to your skin type) - Warm compresses, cleansing product, exfoliation, minor cleansing, moisturizing mask, and brief massage, followed by daily skincare.
Approximately 60 minutes.
01/02/2023 - 20/12/2026, €79.00/per person
(Tailored to your skin type) Warm compresses, cleansing product, deep cleansing with the Vapozone, skin purification, exfoliation, moisturizing mask for face, neck, and décolleté. Special serum, relaxing facial, head-neck massage, eye treatment, and final skincare.
Approximately 75 minutes.
01/02/2023 - 20/12/2026, €99.00/per person
Shape eyebrows, approx. 15 min.
01/02/2023 - 20/12/2026, €11.00/per person
Eyebrow tinting, treatment duration approximately 15 minutes.
01/02/2023 - 20/12/2026, €15.00/per person
Eyelash tinting. Approximately 20 minutes.
01/02/2023 - 20/12/2026, €15.00/per person
Our region was certified by the German Hiking Association and received the seal of quality "Hikable quality host Hikable Germany" - we look forward to you, your hiking holiday and, as a certified quality host, to pamper you. Just browse through our offers